Brothers Coffee Blog

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Stone Creek Coffee


We’ve selected yet another roaster from Michigan. Stone Creek Coffee has been roasting since 1993, and employs what they like to call a team of “coffee geeks” as they journey through coffee. This month, we’re excited to join them!

Stone Creek is “committed to building lasting relationships with our producer-partners around the world. We summarize this ambition with our shorthand: ‘Farm to Cup'” – or as Brothers Coffee often calls it, direct trade. This type of coffee-importing is a win-win-win situation, for the farmers, the roaster, and the consumers. We can ensure farmers are getting paid a fair price, it allows the roasters to work with the coffee farmers to perfect their coffee-growing, and the consumer gets a better cup of coffee – as well as a clean conscience. Keep reading

Pablo’s Coffee


Pablo’s Coffee from Denver, Colorado doesn’t corner themselves into just one import method – only cooperatives, only direct trade, or only fair-trade certified. Rather, they explore their options, searching to find the absolute best choices, both in terms of quality of coffee and when ensuring the ethical sourcing of the coffee. They consistently pay 50-100% more than Fair Trade prices, as we expect of our selected roasters. Due to the nature of Pablo’s sourcing, not only can you be confident their team has spent hours ensuring you are getting the absolutely highest quality product, but that there is a story behind each; stories we are excited to tell! Keep reading

Bongo Java Roasting Co.


Bongo Java checks all the boxes to participate in Brothers Coffee’s subscription service. A founding member of Cooperative Coffees, their mission statement is to “strengthen communities by expanding the definition of quality to include concerns about how our stuff is produced, purchased and promoted.” Keep reading

Farmer Focus – Noella Nabushanja


This is the first of Brothers Coffee’s “Farmer Focus” series. We hope to help educate our fans and subscribers on the issues facing the coffee industry by telling stories from farmers perspectives. Love the idea? Let us know on social media or by shooting us an email at

Those of you who received coffee from the Democratic Republic of Congo last month helped support On the Ground Global’s efforts in the Congo, specifically their program called GALS. Keep reading

Amavida Coffee Roasters


The conversations with our friends at Amavida Coffee generally revolve around the slew of projects they are involved in that improve the livelihood of their farmers, aid their local community, and their guiding principals. But every step of the way, their emphasis on their quality of coffee finds it’s way into the dialogue. It’s this dual emphasis, both on providing customers with the best coffee they’ve ever had while helping others, that has convinced us to select Amavida as our roaster of the month this June. Keep reading

Theodore’s Coffee Roasters


When we founded Brothers Coffee, one of our goals was to become large enough to help support very small roasters that have great values and ideas and give them the momentum they need to thrive in a competitive market. Theodore’s Coffee Roasters from Owossa, MI is one of these roasters, and we’re very excited to help them this month!

All of Theodore’s coffee is sourced through direct trade, a result of Theodore’s founder Darwin Pavon’s relationship with farmers throughout Central America and, more recently, Africa. Direct trade relationships can be difficult to form, even for large roasters, but Darwin’s unique experiences growing up in Honduras and work all around the world has put him in a position to immediately cut out the middle-men and work with his coffee-growing friends from Honduras, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Guatemala and more. Keep reading

The Roasterie: Air-Roasted Coffee


When we’re looking for roasters, we search for those that have found new and unique ways of making the world a better place. When they use a new and unique roasting method to bring out the best flavors in their coffee, it’s a bonus. The Roastarie, our April roaster, has perfected and popularized air-roasting coffee.

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How to Update Your Roast Preferences


At Brothers Coffee, we’re always listening to the feedback we get, looking for ways to make your coffee experience perfect. We’ve been hearing since launch that many of you would like to select your roast preferences to make sure you enjoy all the coffee you get from us.

Because of this, we’re happy to announce we will now be giving our members 3 roast options: light, dark and both. If you select “both,” we’ll continue to help you find new coffees by curating a selection of our favorites that will include coffees on both sides of the scale.

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March Coffee Selection – Kickapoo Coffee Roasters


The quality of Kickapoo’s coffee is such that we are confident our subscribers will enjoy any of their coffees, no matter which ones we choose. We had a lot of fun picking out a variety that would be perfect for any kitchen or office!

Read more about Kickapoo Coffee Roasters here.

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